Guitar Studio: Online Music Academy

Success: Thanks to the Artist! Or Not?

No success = bad record company, bad manager, bad booking agency?

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Success: It’s All About the Artist

When an artist achieves mega success, it’s often attributed to their immense talent, extreme commitment, ambition, dedication, virtuosity, and resilience. This is the image most people have of successful musicians. The average audience typically doesn’t know who is really driving the artist’s success behind the scenes, and that’s understandable.

Failure: Blame Everyone but Yourself

What’s frustrating is the tendency for some artists to blame everyone but themselves when they don’t succeed. If an artist enjoys great success, they attribute it to their own brilliance. However, if success falters, they often blame others—be it a bad manager, booking agency, record company, road manager, personal manager, or marketing agency. Some even claim, “The audience doesn’t appreciate my music!” This kind of attitude reminds me of adults stuck in a juvenile mindset.

Self-Reflection: The Key to Improvement

The moral of the story? Stop whining and stop blaming others. If you’re not achieving the success you want, start with self-reflection. Watch videos and listen to recordings of yourself. Ask yourself critical questions:

  • Is anyone waiting for my music?
  • Am I playing the right genre?
  • Is there a market for my music?
  • Do I have enough talent?
  • Am I working hard enough?
  • Should I change my practice routine?
  • Do I have the right songs?
  • Are the songs suited to my voice?
  • Am I the right age for these songs?
  • Am I targeting the right audience?
  • How do I perform on stage?
  • How do I come across in interviews?
  • Am I dressed appropriately?
  • Do I have the right musicians and support?

The Reality of Marketing and Success

Even with the best manager, booking agent, or record company, if you’re not delivering, no amount of money spent on marketing will ensure lasting success. There are countless examples where significant financial investment didn’t lead to the anticipated success. The key is to look in the mirror and address any issues directly.