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Basic guitar chords: triads and 7th chords​


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Click below to open and print the desired PDF with the basic guitar chords, or right-click and save to download it for free.

Basic triads PDF
> major chords
> minor chords
> first and open position, more simple chords to start and ideal for acoustic guitar
> without “#” (sharps) or “b” (flats)

Basic bar triads PDF
> different types of bar chords
> all examples with C chords
> major chords and minor chords
> diminished chords

Common 7th chords PDF
> open and first position, from C to B
> easier to play, e.g. with capo (capodaster)
> common chords for acoustic guitar

7th chord PDF
> several commonly used forms with all examples in C
> major 7 chords and minor 7 chords)
> dominant 7 dominant chords
> diminished 7 chords