Diatonic scales & modes

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Diatonic scales

Gitaar diatonische toonladders (scales) & modes

Table of diatonic scales PDF
> all scales in a clear table, scale steps with corresponding triad and 7th chords
> stairs: ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrian
> column with sharps and flats to quickly find the key of a score by means of the pre-drawing
> Cirle of fourths and fifthskeys, major and relative (classical) minor scales

Diatonic scale / modes

Gitaar diatonische toonladders modes

Modes Diatonic Scale C PDF
> diatonische scale of C
> all 7 modes graphically presented
> each mode is given a Roman numeral from I (1) to VII (7)
> Attention: on the internet these modes sometimes get different names such as boxes, positions, etc

Diatonic scale / 3-note-per-string

Gitaar diatonische toonladders modes 3 noten per snaar

Modes Diatonic Scale C (3-notes-per-string) PDF
> this is the same diatonic scale of C
> all 7 modes graphically presented in a pattern of 3 notes per string
> These modes are useful for quickly changing positions on the neck, or for achieving speed (speed picking, hammer ons, pull offs, tappings, etc.)
> each mode is given a Roman numeral from I (1) to VII (7)

Pentatonic scale / modes

Pentatonic scales

Modes Diatonic Scales C Pentatonic PDF
> Pentatonic scales means 5-note scale (pent = 5)
> Here compared to the diatonic scale stage 4 and 7 is omitted, so of course one only obtains 5 modes instead of the usual 7
> This scale is widely used in all styles such as funk, pop, rock, metal, etc
> This is a fairly simple scale for the beginner solo guitarist

Pentatonic scale + minor blue note/ modes

Pentatonic scales + minor blue note

Modes C Pentatonic Minor Blues Scale (Hexatonic) PDF
> Pentatonic scale (diatonic scale without the 4th and 7th stages) + an Eb (b3/#2 relative to the relative major key, b5/#4 to the relative minor key)
> This extra note is called the minor blue note
> Despite this scale bears the name “Minor Blues”, and also sounds somewhat bluesy, this is applied in all styles apart from the music style blues
> The minor blues scale can be used over minor and major chords, as well as minor and major blues progression

Pentatonic scale + major blue note/ modes

Pentatonic scales + major blue note

Modes C Pentatonic Major Blues Scale PDF
> Pentatonic scale (diatonic scale without the 4th and 7th) + a Db (b2/#1 relative to the relative major key, restored 3 to the relative minor key)
This extra note is called the minor blue note
> Also this name “major blues scale” is misleading, and does not necessarily refer to the musical style blues
> The major blues scale is more limited, can be used over major chords and major blues progression