Guitar Studio: Online Music Academy

Playing Music Ain’t About Winning … It’s About Grooving

Myths and Tips for Healthy Guitar Practice

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MYTH: Top Guitarists Practice Guitar All Day!

One of the top myths among guitar students and non-musicians is that top musicians practice all day, which is why they are so good. To dispel this myth: musicians also have a life, need to eat, sleep, rest, work (earn money to pay bills), and perform daily tasks such as taking out the trash. I always get the recurring questions, “How many hours a day should I practice?” and “How long until I can play guitar well?”

The Reality of Music Practice

It is tempting and cool to look up to the often “false life” of your idols, but let’s be realistic for a moment. We are people of flesh and blood and have limits. We are not machines that can simply replace parts when worn out. Hours of uninterrupted guitar practice will give you a daze as if you live by the myths of your musical superhero. However, know that you’re physically harming your body, which can result in stopping playing guitar for months or, worse, having to stop permanently.

Practice in Moderation

In other words, all the talk about endless guitar practice every day is nothing more than tough talk. People only hear the success stories on TV, but don’t forget that this accidental success is about 1 in 100 million. So, one success story means 99,999,999 failures. Compare it a bit to the Lotto! Conclusion: practice regularly, but in moderation!